آو؛ او   /ɑw; ʌw/

  (آو؛ اَو)

  ا ,     n

  آب؛ دریا، رود (در ترکیبات مثل ’سرخاو‘، ’پنجاو‘ وغیره)۔

water; compound as a suffix with other adjs., such as 'surkh-ao' the red river, 'panj-ao' the five streams


اگه یَک نَفَر آو شنه کُجا ره بِگِیره، آتِش شنه کُجا ره دَربِدیه۔

If one man becomes water what area can he cover, if he alone turns into fire what can he burn anyway. (Proverb meaning: Two hands are better than one).



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