اتنگ اندختو   /ʌtʌŋ ʌndʌχto/


  ف۔ل۔ ,     vi

  بازی کودکان که درآن گروه ازپسران و دختران خردسال کف میزنند و با دیره ھای منظم به پیش حرکت میکنند۔

children's play in which a group of small boys and girls take part, while singing in a chorus, moving circularly and clapping hands in harmony


اَنگره چِه بَنگره مُوی مُوی چَنگره ھایه یوی مَنگره وای بے جوره نَجیبه جان! دَ باغِ کُبری چرخی پوکه تای تُوخ تُوخی شُد غرِید جارمَنی آخ ازچمن غلتبان!

translation of a sample which approximates the archaic version: That symbol of evil sings what a strange lullaby; she has a very horrible curly and dishevelled lock. There was once a noisy orgy of drones; then woe was to our dear Najiba,the unique. In an orchard of Charkhi bridge; after lying in a prone position under the aged Tukh-Tukhi; she then proved a deflowered bride in Jarmoni; alas! from the heinous mediation of Chaman, the procurer (pander).



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