اخباری   /ʌχbɑɾi/


  ا ,     n

  شاخه کھتر شیعه دوازده امامی که پیروان خود را به لزوم تبعیت بلا واسطه از اخبار و احادیث موجود وا میدارد، نه به تقلید از تاءویلات مجتھد۔

adherents of the 'akhbar' or traditions (lit.); minor branch of 'Twelve-Imam Shiism' which considers the existing religious traditions as the only valid source for theological speculation and extrapolation and does not favour the independent inference of a mujtahid (so, unlike 'Usuli', has no justification for becoming a 'muqallid'). A small number of Hazara Akhbaris exists around the Ghazni city", see 'mujtahid'


<Ar. akhbari

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