بربلجی کدو؛ بربرکدلجی کدو   /biɾbilʤi; biɾbiɾʌkdʌlʤi kʌdo/

  (بِر-بِل-جی؛ بِر-بِ-رَک-دَل-جِی)

  ,     caus vb

  بزور کشیدن، بزور بردن، کشاندن بطوریکه کشیده شده تاب مقاومت را نداشته باشد و ھر طرف که کشیده شود و بےاختیار حرکت کند۔

drive forward (e.g. animals or a child); restlessly move about (1)


ما اُو ره دَ بِربِلجی مُوبُرُم۔ ما اُو ره بِربِلجی کَده مُوبُرُم۔ چِیز بِربِلجی کده مَندے تُو؟

I take him away quickly and with force (against his will - esp. said of children, who are taken by the hand and pulled along against their will, stomping). What are you moving back and forth all the time (e.g. during a meal, getting up, going here and there to get this and that, never sitting down to eat)



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