حلوای چیم کوری   /ʌlwɑ i ʧim koɾʌj/


  ا ,     n

  حلوایی که بطورنذر بروز چھارشنبه سوری در آخر ماه صفر فقط به زنان میدھند (عقیده بر اینست که ھرگاه مردان به آن بنگرند فوراً نا بینا میشوند)۔

sweet dish made of flour which is exclusively served for women as a food oblation (on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar) because, in accordance with the folk belief, the men will lose their eyesight as soon as they look at the dish. (the dish is to commemorate Bibi Zainab's release from captivity under Yazid)



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