رافضی   /ɾɑfizi/


  ا ,     n

  لفظاً بمعنی ردکننده؛ در نزد اھل سنت ھریک از افراد شیعه (این کلمه در اعلامیه تکفیر ھزاره ھا توسط امیرعبدالرحمن و کشتار دستجمعی آن قوم نقش کلیدی داشت)۔

repudiator, abusive term given sometimes by Sunni Muslims to Shi'ites, because they refused the validity of the three Caliphs who succeeded the prophet Mohammad after his death (this word is almost synoymous to 'heretic' and played a key role in Amir Abdur Rahman's declaration in which he accused Hazaras to be infidels and which is believed to have lead, in part, to subsequent massacares)



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