سخت   /sʌχt/


  ص ,     adj

  دشوار، شاق، مشکل؛ اجسام سخت، درشت، خشن؛ آدم سختگیر و جدی؛ شخص خسیس و ممسک۔

difficult, rigorous, hard (work); stiff, rough, rigid (objects); strict, harsh, staunch (person); stingy, tightfisted


ای کار بلدے از تُو سخته۔ تا نَبِینی سَخت و سُست، کَی شَوِی مَردِی دُرُست۔

This work is difficult for you. Unless you face misery and hardship, you shall not be a man. (Proverb meaning: He that dare not venture must not complain of ill luck).


<Pah. sakht

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