علی   /ʌli/

  (عَ-لِی؛ اَ-لِی)

  ا ,     n

  بلند قدر؛ پسر ابوطالب، اسم داماد پیغمبر اسلام، اولین امام شیعیان۔

Ali son of Abu Talib (598-661), a member of the house of Hashim, cousine and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, the first Shiite Imam who was one of the first converts of Islam. He led the Muslim army and contributed to the spreading of Islam in Arabia during the first stage of the Holy Prophet's mission, see Hamal-i Haidari; masc proper noun among the Hazara (such as Ghulam Ali, Hussain Ali, Kalb Ali, Abdul Ali, Chaman Ali); Most High, the Supreme (one of the attributes of God)



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