لوݚه   /lʌwɖʌ/


  ص ,     adj

  آدم احمق، ساده لوح، ابله۔

fool, ninny, simpleton;blockhead, dolt, dullard


تا لَوݚه دَ دُنیا بَشه مُفلِس دَر نمُومنه۔

As long as there are careless people in the world, the poor people won‘t remain helpless. (Proverb meaning: The folly of one man is the fortune of another).



لوݚه   /loɖʌ/


  ا ,     n

  آبکند، زمینی که به توسط جریان سیلاب عمیقاً کنده شده باشد۔

water channel scooped out by rushing water of a flash flood

مترادف ها



سَر خوره دَ لوݚه سَخت کده۔

To tie one's head into a nerrow water channal. (Proverb meaning: To indulge oneself in a big problem).



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