ملک   /mulk/


  ا ,     n

  زمین زراعتی؛ وطن، کشور۔

country; homeland, the land of one's birth; estate, landed poperty, farmland


اُو دَ چَند جای مُلک دره۔ ھَر مُلگ ره رَسم شی، ھَر کوسپو ره پَشم شِی۔

He has farmland in several places. Every sheep has its wool, every country has its customs. (Proverb meaning: It is ill sitting at Rome and striving against the Pope).

ملک   /mʌlik/


  ا ,     n

  ملک، قریه دار، سرکرده باسواد چند دھکده که به عنوان عامل ارتباط دھنده در بین مردم و شعبات مربوط به حاکم محلی فعالیت داشت و معمولاً بر عریضهھا و سایر اوراق رسمی مھر میکرد (این نظام کار پس از انقلاب اسلامی سال 1978 عملاً متروک گردید)۔

owner; headman, chieftain (of a collection of villages, formerly a person who used to act as an authorized agent between his own villagers and the offices of the local administraton and usu. affixed his officially recognized seal on petitions and other documents attesting the correctness of the case and identity, a system which fell into disuse in Hazarajat after the Islamic revolution, c.1978)

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دَ پیشِ خاتون خو ھَرکَس مَلِک استه۔

Everyone is chieftain before his wife. (Proverb meaning: Every groom is a king at home).



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