ھفتالی   /hiftɑli/


  ا ,     n

  ھیطل، ھون سفید، یک عضو از شاخه غربی یوچی؛ امپراطور ھفتالی در افغانستان امروز و شمال شرقی ھندوستان که تقریباً بیشتر از نیم قرن (450 تا 565 م) ادامه داشت۔

Hephtalite or Ephthalite, White Hun, a member of the western branch of the Yue-chi-Tocharians; the Ephthalite Empire in Afghanistan and NW India lasted more than a century (c. 450-565 AD) extending fom Chinese Sinkiang to Sasanian Persia, from Sodiana to the Punjab - they practiced polyandry and of their language unfortunately nothing seems to have remained



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