Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

سَر کَل کدو ره دَ سرِ یِتِیم بچه یاد میگیره.

[ One learns to shave by shaving an orphan’s head. ]

A barber learns to shave by shaving fools.

سَنگ دَ پای لَنگه.

[ The stone hits the lame leg. ]

Of one ill come many.

The afflicted get afflicted even more.

سوخ ره دُروغگوی بازی مِیدیه.

[ The liar deceives the greedy. ]

All covet, all lose.

Grasp all, lose all.

سودا ره سود و نوخس، بازی ره بُرد و باخت استه.

[ Trading has profit and loss, gambling has win and loss. ]

There is no great loss without some gain.

What one loses on the swing, one makes up on the roundabout.

سیر از دِلِ گوشنه خبر ندره، سوار از حال پِده.

[ Full doesn’t know the condition of the hungry, neither a rider that of a pedestrian. ]

Half the world knows not how the other half lives.

شار روم دَ یک روز جور نشده.

[ One who eats garlic, shall give out garlic odour. ]

A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

Keep conscience clear, then never fear.

سِیر خورده، سیر بوی مِیدیه.

[ The city of Rome wasn’t built in one day. ]

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

شَب شب نَگوی، شَبتالو بَگوی.

[ Do not say ‘shab’ ‘shab’, say ‘shabtalu’ (peach ).]

Call a spade a spade.

شرِّ بخیزه که خَیر تو بَشه.

[ An evil may come that you might benefit from it. ]

The folly of one man is the fortune of another.

شِکَم گوشنه سیر موشه، چیم گوشنه نه.

[ An hungry tummy will be filled, but a hungry eye won’t. ]

The eye is bigger than the stomach.

شَو دَ مِیانه، خدا مِهربانه.

[ The night is in between (me and the problem), but God is merciful. ]

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Don’t cry before you are hurt.

شوی سُست خاتو جِلوه گَر می یه.

[ An easygoing husband makes for a showy wife ]

The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives.

شوی مَردک قَرض استه.

[ A loan is a husband for a man, ]

The borrower is servant of the lender. (OT. Proverb)

شیر خانه روبای صحرا یه.

[ He is a lion at home and a fox in the desert. ]

A big frog in a little pond becomes a little frog in a big pond.

صد روز دَ بار، یک روز دَ کار.

[ A hundred days in storage, one day in use. ]

Armies are maintained for years to be used on a single day.

صلاگَر ندری قَد کوله خو صلاح کو.

[ If you don’t have a consultant then consult your hat. ]

Two heads are better than one

طلا ره هَرچَند تَی خاک کُنی بَسَم خود خوره مالوم مونه.

[ Though you cover the gold with dirt it will again show up. ]

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

عَباسه یَک نام بَسه.

[ Just his name is sufficient for Abbas. ]

A good name is a rich heritage.

A good name is better than riches.

عجله کار شَیطو یه.

[ Haste is Satan’s work. ]

Haste is from the devil.

عیسا دَ دِین خو موسا دَ دِین خو.

[ Jesus to his own religion and Moses to his own. ]

People should have freedom of religion.