Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

مایِی که توره نموگه دان شی پُر آوه.

[ A fish doesn’t speak, because his mouth is full of water. ]

Conscience is a thousand witnesses.

He that commits a fault, thinks every one speaks of it.

مُردو حقه.

مرگ راست است.

[ Death is true. ]

Nothing is as certain as death.

مُردو یک دفعه یه.

[ Death occurs once ]

A man can die but once. (W. Shakespeare).

مُردِه بَدنام و زِنده نِیک نامه کَس ندیده.

[ No one has seen a dead man with a bad name, nor a live one with a good name. ]

One has only to die to be praised. (German Proverb)

مَشت پُر بَشه، پُر زَمبور بَشه.

داشته آید به کار، گرچه باشد زهر مار

[ Your hand may be full, even full of wasps. ]

Something is better than nothing.

میخچلی که کَلو تیِز دَرمد زود کُونݚ موشه.

[ A sharp stick that penetrates the ground fast, soon shall be dull. ]

Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

میوه صَبر شِیرینه.

[ The fruit of tolerance is sweet. ]

Everything comes to him who waits.

دسته کُرکی کو نانه سَرگی کو

[ Blister your hands, produce food. ]

No pain, no gain.

He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

The race is won by running.

نابُرده رَنج گَنج مُیسر نموشه.

[ Without suffering you can’t get the treasure. ]

No pain, no gain.

He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

The race is won by running.

ناداری عیب نِیه.

[ Poverty isn’t a defect. ]

Poverty has no shame. (Spanish Proverb)

نارَو ره پُشت کُنه، ناخور ره چِیز کار کنه.

[ One who doesn’t go you may push, but what can you do with one that doesn’t eat? ]

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

ناکامی، زینه کامیابی ره.

[ Falure is a stair for success. ]

Failure teaches success.

نام بُور کو دَ کادو بِشی.

[ Have a fame, live in a straw-loft. ]

A good name is better than a golden girdle.

نام بِلَند بِه از بامِ بِلَند.

[ A high name is better than a high roof. ]

A good name is better than riches.

A good name is better than a golden girdle.

نان آسو، دَ خُراسو نِیه.

[ There’s no easy bread in the Khurasan country. ]

The cat that catches no mice does not earn his keep.

نان گوشنه دیر پُخته موشه.

[ The hungry man’s bread takes a long time to be cooked. ]

The pot that is watched never boils over.

Wait is a bad word for the hungry. (German Proverb)

نان گوشنه خامه

[ The hungry man’s bread will not be cooked. ]

The pot that is watched never boils over.

Wait is a bad word for the hungry. (German Proverb)

نظافت نِصف ایمانه.

[ Cleanliness is half the faith (in God ).]

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

نِفاق بِندَز حُکومت کو.

[ Throw discord and govern. ]

Divide and rule.

نِماد سیاه از شُشتو سَفید نموشه.

[ A black felt (wool) won’t become white by washing. ]

Two blacks do not make a white.

Wrong never comes right.