Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

اَر مُلگه رسم شی، اَر گوسپو ره پَشم شی.

هر کشور رسم و عنعناتی دارد که باید احترام شود.

[ Every sheep has its wool, every country has its customs. ]

When in Rome do as the Romans do.

It is ill sitting at Rome and striving against the Pope.

یا بِه بشی یا تابِع.

[ Be either dominant or subordinate. ]

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

یا خدا، یا خُرما.

[ Either God or the date. ]

You can’t sell the cow and drink the milk.

You cannot serve God and Mammon. (Injil)

یا مرد بَشی یا نوکر مرد.

[ Either be a man or servant of a man. ]

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

یک خانه پور بانو، خِیجه دَ بند زانو.

[ A house full of women shall have dust up to the knee. ]

Every body’s business, is no body’s business.

Keep no more cats than will catch mice.

یک خانه گُنا صد خانه تبا

[ Sin in one home, and a hundred homes will be ruined. ]

One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.

One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

One speck of rat droppings will spoil a whole pan of rice. (Chinese Proverb)

آتیش گیرد خوره موسوزنه

[ Fire burns up its surroundings. ]

One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.

One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

One speck of rat droppings will spoil a whole pan of rice. (Chinese Proverb)

یک دَر بسته هزار دَر واز.

[ One door is shut, a thousand others are opened. ]

There are as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.

Look at the bright side.

یک درگه که بَسته شد خدا درگه دیگه ره واز مونه.

[ When one door shuts, God shall open another door. ]

When one door shuts another opens.

یَک دِست تناکی آواز ندره.

[ You can’t clap by one hand. ]

It takes two to make fight.

یَک رَون دیدی دوست، رونِ دیگه بِرار.

[ When you meet once you are friends, when you see each other the second time you are brothers.]

Friendship grows into brotherhood.

یک ره صَبر کو تا هزار دَفعه وای وای نکنی.

[ Wait once so that you don’t regret a thousand times. ]

Hasty work, double work.

Haste is the sister of repentance. (African Proverb)

یک گاو ریخندوک پَگ پاݚه ره پور رِیخ مونه.

[ One cow that has diarrhea makes the whole cowshed dirty. ]

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.

One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

He who lives with cats will get a taste for mice.

باتور دَ مَیدو، بزدل دَ کَیدو

[Brave is in battle field, coward is suffering]

A brave man fights in the battle field, while a coward suffers in fear.

God makes the back for the burden;

بیِدو دَ قیزه موره، اَیدو دَ لرزه موره

[Strong horse dies in bite (field), useless one dies trembling]:

A coward men trembles while a brave person fights in battle field. God makes the back for the burden;

سنگ دَ روز جنگ

[stone is needed in the fighting day]

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

God makes the back for the burden.

بز بیچاره، دَ گوشه خو میچره.

[Poor goat is grazing on its lonely side]

Better alone than in bad company).

پيش مرده پودنه دود نه

[Smoking before deed person]

Casting your pearls before swine. (Injil)

Why play the harp to a buffalo. (Burmese proverb)

سر کل از شانه بیغم

[Shaved head doesn’t need comb]

Little wealth, little care.

He has nothing need fear to lose nothing.

لغمه ره اندازه دان خو بال کو.

[take a morsel that fits to your mouth]

Cut your coat according to your cloth.