Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

از باتوری کده آدیری بِهتره.

زرنگی بهتر از دلیری است. باتور: دلیر. آدیر: زرنگ و هوشیار.

Alertness is better than bravery. Discretion is the better part of valour. * He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day. *It’s better to be coward for a minute than dead for the rest of your life.

از بیم بلا کده دَ دَم بلا بشی خوبه.

بیم و ترس بلا سختر از مواجه شدن با همان بلا است.

It’s better to be in a calamity rather than being in fear of its coming. Fear of death is worse than death itself

از تمبون کَس جان کَس گَرم نَمِیه.

با تنبان دیگری نمیتوان خود را پوشاند و گرم نگهداشت. خودکفایی جاگزین ندارد.

You can’t cover yourself by someone else’s pajama. A borrowed garment never fits well.

از توره بدل کدو کده کوچه بدل کدو خوبه.

To change the street is better than changing words.

Pouring oil on the fire isn’t the way to quench it.

A soft answer turns away wrath

تی چقق بال شد تَی ناودان شیشت

He rose from under the leaking roof and sat in the rain.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.

از دا بور شُد، دُنیا پُرشد.

When the word has gone out of the mouth, it shall spread through out the world.

Don’t let the right hand know what the left hand is up to.

Don’t tell tales out of school.

از دِست یک شوم سوخت شار روم.

The city of Rome got burned due to one evil person

One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

از دَم روزی خو چَخه نکو.

Don’t try to stop your livelihood.

Don’t quarrel with your bread and butter.

از دم شی قیزه مونه.

He places the bit under the tail of the horse.

Don’t put the cart before the horse.

از قلوخ آتِیش پَرید.

A spark flew from the dirt clod.

A fool may give a wise man counsel.

از کسی بترس که از خدا نمیترسه.

Be afraid of a person that isn’t scared of God.

Don’t trust the person that doesn’t trust God.

از کم خوردو کَس نمومره، از بَد خوردو مُومره.

If You won’t die of eating less, you shall die of eating bad (things)

I saw few die of hunger, of eating, a hundred thousand.

Gluttony kills more than a sword.

از گفتار ملا کو، از کِردار شِی نه.

Do as a clergy says, but not as he does.

Do as the friar says, not as he does.

Do as I say, not as I do.

از گفتو تا کدو ره خِیلی راه یه.

From saying to doing is a long way.

From word to deed is a great distance.

از هر دست که دَدی امزو دِست میگیری.

By any hand you give, from the same you will receive.

He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.

از یک گل بهار نموشه.

One flower can’t make spring.

One swallow doesn’t make a summer.

ازره از دَولَه یه.

The Hazaras imitate one another.

One sheep follows another.

اشتُر آدَم یَکسره جَوز تُوتُول نمونه.

One’s camel won’t always make walnut droppings.

Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door.

When opportunity knocks, be ready to answer.

اشتر دیدی؟ نه.

آنچه را دیدی گویا ندیدی.

خداوندا بحق هشت و چارت؛ زما بگذر شتر دیدی نیدی (بابا طاهر)

Did you see camel? No.

There is nothing like being on the safe side.

اگه اعتبار دشتی تمام خیل دری.

A good name keeps its lustre in the dark.

A good name is to be more desired than great riches; favor is better than silver or gold.